WM uPVC Windows creates a warmer, safer and quieter home for you and your family. Here are some of the major benefits you’ll experience with uPVC windows.
Looking for inspiration? Check out our Gallery of New Zealand homes using uPVC Windows here
Using the Aluplast 4000 series framing combined with WM Superwarm IGU as standard, our windows provide a superior R-value of 0.77 for thermal performance. Compare this rating with any other frame type on the market and you’ll see why uPVC is popular for windows and doors in Passive Homes.
Click Here to Compare Common NZ Window Frame Types here for Thermal Performance
WM uPVC Windows will exceed all the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code for clause H1 currently and into the future for all geographic zones.
Our windows and doors are manufactured here in New Zealand using quality European Profiles and Hardware. The Hardware is designed to close all opening frames tightly together compressing the twin rubber seals and keeping the home air-tight. This is one of the reasons uPVC Windows are so popular for Passive Homes.
The Ideal 4000 frame has 5 chambers in the profile which work to insulate the frame keeping condensation at bay. No condensation channels are needed on the inside of our frames so there is no need to worry about mould growing on the frame.

Better Construction Design
Our frames are created by fusion-welding the corners, providing the type of strength that only “one piece design” can offer, doing away with unsightly rivets, screws, and joins and protecting you from leaks at joins.
Within the uPVC profiles, we fit steel sections to provide rigidity and strength.
uPVC can be provided with recessed profiles at the exterior face to align the insulation of the window with the insulation of the building creating a more consistent barrier and building envelope, resulting in a warmer home.
Better Security
Opening items feature multi-point locking secured through a steel core, making for exceptionally strong connections.
Our tilt and turn sashes and window systems are all glazed from the inside which prevents anyone gaining access allowed by standard glazing systems.
Glass can be upgraded to security versions when you really feel the need for total security. If you have concerns about security, we can talk you through all the options to find the solution that overcomes your concerns.

uPVC frames are exceptionally good at absorbing noise and outperform conventional aluminium window frames.
With the ability of the frames to accommodate up to 41mm IGU, you can easily incorporate acoustic glass products into the window and you’ll achieve a real impact on the noise entering your home.
If noise reduction is a key objective, we recommend that consideration is also made of the surrounding building structure. Often you will achieve a reduction in noise through the windows but soon discover that the walls, roof and floor also contribute to the passage of sound.
uPVC Windows offer many advantages over the more common, traditional window frames in NZ.
uPVC Windows provide you with significant improvements in the insulation of your home, reducing heat and cooling requirements, resulting in a much lower environmental impact.
Compare the resourcing and manufacturing process of various common window frame options (uPVC, Aluminium and Wood) and uPVC provides a compelling argument when you view the whole of life environmental impact.
- PVC is a by-product of the petro-chemical industry.
- uPVC Windows are almost 100% recyclable. When this is undertaken, it conserves energy and reduces land-fill.
- The manufacture of uPVC frames does not contribute to deforestation.

No Condensation
Condensation is unsightly but also damages the interiors of New Zealand homes causing curtains and windowsills to stain, grow mildew or rot. Double glazing solves a large part of this problem, but a poorly insulating frame such as a standard aluminium frame will continue to condensate and cause damage.
Our uPVC frames are made incorporating 5 chambers in the perimeter extrusion which insulate the frame so well, there will be no condensation on the glass or frames in your home.
As a result of this, there are no condensation holes and drains in the system which keeps insects and cold air out.
Keep your home healthier and maintain the quality of the interior wall linings, windowsills and your expensive curtains, blinds and drapes with the superior performance of uPVC Windows.
Window and Door Configurations
Almost all standard configurations can be achieved. Here are the most common window types:
Fixed Windows

uPVC Fixed windows can be made in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Fixed windows add light where ventilation is not needed.
Large windows can be made to capture the view
Opening Windows

uPVC Opening Windows come in a variety of methods:
- Awning Sashes
- Casement Sashes
- Tilt and Turn Windows
- Bi-Folding Windows
Ask us about the best window options for Passive Home design.
Sliding and Hinged Doors

uPVC Sliding and Hinged Doors offer superior thermal performance.
The quality European hardware make opening and closing effortless and draw the frames in tight against the seals for an air-tight close.
Large-size sliders and 3-panel stackers are available in our systems.
Entrance Doors

uPVC is a great option for your front door and door frame.
- Low maintenance
- Secure
- Thermally efficient
And, because you can mix the uPVC products you can have a door frame and door in different or matching colours.
Fixed Windows
Fixed windows are used to let in the view and natural light when ventilation isn’t necessary or is provided elsewhere.
They can be used as a stand-alone window or attached to opening windows or doors.
With uPVC Windows, you can use large, fixed windows and still retain warmth in your home due to the excellent R-value of the windows.
As a single pane, the maximum frame size is only limited by the largest size IGU that can be made. The restriction on how big your maximum IGU can be made is usually a combination of windloads, manufacturing capabilities and budget.
Multi-pane fixed windows are easily provided and can be popular for homes looking for that more traditional look or as a cost saving when the planned window is large.
Fixed windows can be simple shapes, such as Raked or Trapezoidal and will be made in New Zealand. Arched or anything curved / circular will need to be imported so we would need additional time to procure the frame components.

Opening Windows
New Zealand homes have long used Awning Sashes (hinged at the top) and Casement Sashes (hinged at the side) as the standard window types. We can manufacture these styles in uPVC also and due to the robust nature of the frame, we can make quite large sash sizes.
More recently, we have seen some houses incorporating sliding windows and bi-folding windows into the home. uPVC Sliding Windows can be manufactured with both windows being able to slide across each other’s path providing flexibility on how you can access your ventilation.
Our uPVC systems provide all these options as well as the most popular European opening method – “Tilt & Turn”.
“Tilt & Turn” windows feature multi-point locking which enables the sash frames to be pull in tight against double seals to the full perimeter of the opening, making our Tilt & Turn windows perfect for use in certified Passive Homes.
Awning Sash

Casement Sash

Tilt and Turn

What is a Tilt & Turn Window?
Tilt & Turn Windows are popular in Europe where Homeowners like to leave the windows open during the day while they go to work allowing the home to get ventilated.
The unique feature of T&T Windows is that they have two opening positions.
In the “TILT” opening position, T&T windows tilt inwards at the top leaving a gap of around 140mm. Too small for an intruder to gain access and ideal for letting fresh air through.
They are designed to prevent intrusion, with glazing beads to the inside only. The hardware provided is robust.
In the “TURN” opening position, the sash swings inward enabling the homeowner to get full access through the window opening but most importantly being able to clean the outside of the window without needing to climb a ladder .
Sliding and Hinged Doors
Kiwi’s love their sliding doors. Often used to connect the outdoors with the indoors to take advantage of the beautiful country we live in.
Our uPVC windows glide open on heavy-duty European Hardware. When closed, the doors seal tight. In fact, the seals are so good we can use our sliding doors in Passive Homes which need air-tight windows to be successful.
Talk to us at the design stage so we can work together to design a system that works for your home.

For a more traditional look, uPVC French Doors can provide you with a very classic look in a very low-maintenance frame.
European Hardware draws the door panels in tightly against the frame to provide air-tight seals.
Entry Doors
As well as making the Front Entry perimeter frame from uPVC, we can also make the door panel itself from uPVC providing you with optimal thermal performance as well as functionality.
uPVC Front Entrances are low-maintenance, and we install them using quality European hardware which closes the door panel against the frame providing a secure and air-tight entry (suitable option for passive homes).
uPVC comes in T&G Boards and Panels, which we can mix and match together with the inclusion of decorative or plain glass panels to create a variety of options for your home. There are 47 Colour options available in uPVC, with some profiles available with the external colour and the internal colour being different colours. We stock a limited range in New Zealand but can procure you the colour you require ex-Germany and sometimes ex-Australia.
Our stock range includes the following colours: White; Cream; Golden Oak; Anthracite Grey; Anthracite Grey (out) / White (in); Red; Mountain Pine (aka Larch).
Glass Panels can be plain, frosted, or decorative including the use of stained-glass windows into the double glazing.
There is a selection of hardware types available including standard lever and pull handles as well as Digital Locks with access via mobile apps.
Pet Doors, Peep Holes, Door Knockers and Doorbells can all be installed.
See our Front Entry Gallery below for ideas and inspiration.
Hardware Configurations
Window Handles

Sash and Casement Windows (Outward Opening) use Kinlong Handles available in White and Silver.
Tilt & Turn and Sliding Windows use Maco Harmony Handles available in White, Bronze and Silver.
Options for added security include push-button and key locks.
Slider Handles

With uPVC Sliding Doors, the handles align with the type of door system.
Multi Slide Systems use Maco Harmony Handles available in White, Silver and Bronze.
Smart Slider Systems use Rotoline Alversa Handles available in White and Silver.
Lift & Slide Systems use Maco HS Handles available in White or Silver only.
Door Handles

The Maco Harmony Entrance Door Handle is the standard and available in White, Silver and Bronze.
Windsor Entrance Door Handles are NZ Made.
They are available in Satin Chrome, Brushed Nickel, or Powdercoat Colours.
Electronic Locks

The E-Lok 905 is a New Zealand designed and built electronic lock which can be incorporated into the Front Entry.
The E-Lok 905 unlocks from:
- Pin code Pad
- RFID cards
- Mobile App
- Mechanical Key
They are available in Stainless Steel or Black
Click here to see the range
Frame Colours

Standard colours available ex-stock here in New Zealand are:
- White
- Cream
- Anthracite Grey (outside) / White (inside)
- Golden Oak (Both sides)
In addition to this there are 40 additional colours in the Aluplast standard colour range which we can import the profile for you on a project basis.
We hold samples of the actual colour and can supply these to assist with your design choices. Please talk with one of our window consultants to assist with this process.
The standard White uPVC product we use is called “Tropical Blend” and is specifically formulated to cope with strong UV conditions.
Aluskin – Aluminium / uPVC combinations
uPVC Frames can be supplied with an aluminium skin finished in a powdercoated colour to the exterior surface.
This finish is called “Alu-skin” and the product can be supplied in any of the standard Dulux Duralloy, Duralloy+ and Duratec ranges of colours.
We will review with you the location of your home before selecting the powdercoat colour and type as the different ranges suit different environments and come with different warranties.

Passive Home Design
A “Passive Home” is a building built to a voluntary standard resulting in an energy efficient building, with a low ecological footprint that requires little energy for space heating or cooling. Passive Homes are healthier homes and the cost to run the home is minimal compared to a standard New Zealand home.
For Passive Home design it is important that windows can provide:
- A very high R-value. Insulation is extremely important. Windows are often the weakest point, and a Passive Home needs to maintain a consistent temperature year-round, night and day and throughout the house.
- Air-tight seals. The building is created air-tight, and ventilation is controlled through a heat exchange system to minimise heat loss.
- An installation detail with the insulation through the window aligning with the insulation through the building structure.
Our uPVC Windows have been used in Passive Homes designed and built throughout New Zealand. It is important to engage with us early to agree details and ensure we provide the best solution for your needs.
Some of the key features that make our windows the right solution for your
Passive Home are:
- Our typical window R-value is 0.77 and we can improve on that using different frame and IGU selections.
- We use quality European multi-point locking hardware specifically designed to close the opening items to all four edges.
- We can provide seals to the hinges to ensure air-tight seal on openings items.
- There are no condensation drainage holes through the extrusion which keeps the building air-tight and warm.
We can provide a unique fully welded, recessed 105 profiles to the perimeter which brings all insulation into alignment avoiding failure through thermal bridging